
Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Something that you say which means that it is necessary to take risks in order to achieve something We tried to make a new business models that were nevelty and different, and we weren't always successful, but nothing ventured, nothing gai…

introduce myself

I am Masatoyo Miwa. I've been working with Sansendo corporation for 27 years. I am the president of the advertising firm. My job is to promote car sales dealers to carry out to consumers. My job now in charge of the 4 company's management …



Government and industry will take steps to curb deflation.





to better too air and side off. do i spell out the suituation? It should be simple and prudence. abusolutly no no . Don,t get me wrong! 自己資本 owned capital 自己資本比率 Capital-to-asset ratio



It is that I did not speak English well in this business.

Cheers for hard work, cheers for good work I would look into Korean, or Japanese will look to?I sent an email, do you arrived? Can you bring me to the room to copy the attachments?


上位ニューロン障害により、下位中枢への抑制がなくなるため、反射性の排尿が起こり、頻尿、尿失禁がおこる。 上位中枢と下位中枢を結ぶ下行路(大脳)のみを障害された無抑制性神経因性膀胱、と下行路と上行路の両方(脊髄)を障害された自動性(反射性)神…

Acute urinary retention

It is said that with moderate exercise has the effect of warming the body, improve blood circulation throughout the body, and get rid of the congestion of the prostate. I think not only very painful condition, in particular circumstances, …